Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I am looking for a good tick repellent for my 2 year old.?

We live at a lake with lots of trees and my 2 year old loves to be outside. I am very conserned about the tick problem and was wondering if you found anything that works. Home remedies welcome.

Thank you!!I am looking for a good tick repellent for my 2 year old.?
try skin so soft by avon this works good for us and our pets good luckI am looking for a good tick repellent for my 2 year old.?
You have to talk to your pediatrician:

They know the area, the brand that is best for the area you live in (all ticks and states are different)

Also, they know exactly how much your 2 year old weighs, that affects which brand of repellent he should use. As they get older/larger, they need more coverage....

Good luck!
i live in florida and as most people know mosquitos here will pick you up and fly off with you if your not careful. so i was concerned with using bug repellants with DEET in them. i asked my sons doctor and he said it was fine as long as it wasn't sprayed on his hands.

he's two now and the doctor told me this when he was about 15 months old or so
Just kill the 2-year old, it'll resolve a lot of problems later.
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